Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mossa's 17th Annual 4th of July Horseshoe Tourney

Please excuse my absence, its been a crazy couple weeks!
But, now...I am back...with a fun blog post :)

We are talking about the:
That's right.  Over 100 people, over 100 degrees
[& possibly over 100 beers to myself...]

This event defines the fourth for pretty much the whole family, & I attended my first horseshoe tourney more than 10 years ago! I will admit that I have previously only made fleeting attempts at actually throwing the horseshoes, but this year my effort [& actual legitimate entrance in the competition] paid off with a few ringers, although my team did not quite win the buckle...

The event went down as usual with delicious roast pig, plenty of kegs of Coors, & a few more of my friends than usual :)
[including some from middle school, high school, college & LA!]

I look forward to flying in from Portland next year to enjoy the 18th annual horseshoe festivities!

If you would like another [probably more clever] perspective on the day, you can check it out here.


1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if my take is "more clever" so much as it is "more wordy." Great photos, as usual, and again, we had a great time.
