Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Okay, I can't really be singing that song quite yet...But this is a rain-related post.  As I was wandering through Loehman's in search of Coachella attire, I ran across a Michael Kor's hooded raincoat for 75% off...  So being the responsible person I am, I swooped it up!  

Here it is!
 (except mine is black)

Now all I need are these Hunter Wellie rainboots
and this MoMa Sky umbrella.
This way my feet will always be dry and there will always be blue skies over my head :)

& when I get my Wellie's I plan on wearing an outfit like this:
Won't I be so Portland-ish?**

**haha, I think they are going to laugh me back to LA! 
Oh well, you can take the girl out of California, 
but you can't take the California out of the girl!!


  1. Are the chickens sold separately from the boots? Because I'd imagine you'd have trouble finding an apartment that would allow them.

  2. Well I think that chickens just run around Portland. It's a very hipster thing. Free range chickens everywhere!
