Friday, June 10, 2011

Pillow Talk

Remember in my very first post when I mentioned all of the things I wanted to find/make for my future Portland apartment? 
Well...I actually finished one of my DIY projects!
Last night, my wonderful grandma helped me finish my
table napkin throw pillows!
[Note that this was  not so easy for me, really, because I don't have enough patience to sew on a button, 
let alone a bunch of pillows!]

As I mentioned previously, I had already picked up a couple cute patterned napkins from World Market:
& yesterday I picked up a couple more solid-color napkins to make 
a total of four pillows.

Sewing was pretty easy once the machine was threaded
& my grandma taught me:
"It's kind of like driving, you just have to press the peddle and drive straight!"
Needless to say, there was some drunk driving that occurred,
but luckily no casualties. 
(besides a small burn from the iron, hah)
 Speaking of ironing- did you know you can steam, iron and stretch fabric so that it's all the right size? I had no idea, I would have just sewed them crooked, hah.

They ended up turning out very cute!  And in just a short evening :)
Most importantly the supplies cost less than $30 (for all 4 pillows!).
[$1.99-$2.99 per napkin from world market, $8-$10 for stuffing from JoAnnes]

I couldn't have done it without the help of my lovely grandma [Thanks Gma!!], and I am pretty sure I will be wrangling her into more projects before the big move in August! 
Stay tuned! 

1 comment:

  1. If thats your idea of pillow talk I feel bad for future husband. haha Good job on being proactive and following through on an idea though.
