Friday, May 13, 2011

Bug's Training for Portland...

1.  Bug goes outside to do his business-
2.  Bug immediately realizes that the sprinklers are on! [OMG!]
3.  Bug hightails it straight back inside...
4.  Bug's evil mom picks him up and sticks him back outside!
5.  Bug tries to avoid any water touching him & Pee's on the side of the house.
6.  Bug runs back inside.

& this is what he is doing this very moment:
Giving me the definition of Puppy-Dog-Eyes!
Because he hates water... aka: rain... 

& it rains ALOT in Portland. 

 It sure is a rough life, isn't it Bug?


PS- I owe you a Thursday Tribute to So Cal...But blogspot was down yesterday!! 
So I will have to provide my insider information on a Saturday this week!


  1. You'll have to get him a Barbie raincoat and galoshes.

  2. hahaha. i was trying to figure out how to get him a raincoat that might actually fit!!
